It has to be said that I am always a 'glass half full' kinda lass, but there are definitely lots of reasons to be optimistic at the moment and that can only mean good things for my crochet...
The first signs of Spring. Everywhere I look it seems that daffodils are bobbing their heads. in our garden we have lots of tulips and crocus too. Lovely! In my personal crochet world this means that I am reminded to make more of my little Thank You flowers that I send out with every order. I am enjoying the gentle Spring colours. If you have received one, I would love a snap of where it lives now...

Easing of Lockdown. Lockdown for me has meant Shielding. Again. Thank goodness for our allotment which is only a 3 minute walk from the house. Now that we are being told to Stay Local rather than Stay Indoors, I am loving the chance to meet up with friends (one at a time!) in the park. Just the simple pleasure of drinking a coffee on a bench outside is wonderful when it has been denied for so long. Keeping my coffee warm while outside is a challenge that can be met with a crochet hook and some yarn.
Warmer weather. Now, I'm not going to assume that the higher temperatures are here to stay, but while they are here, isn't it just fabulous? As I write this it is 22°C in March! Swapping from warm and snuggly baby blankets to the lighter weight cotton pram blankets was a sure sign that I could start taking slightly less out with us when Lou was small.
Easter. Easter is nearly here as I write this. If you are reading this after the Easter weekend, then I hope your eggs were chocolatey and plentiful. Easter in our house means Easter egg hunts. We have done many types over the years, but now that Lou is in her mid teens, she has opted for (many) mini eggs and a couple of large ones. The advantage of mini eggs, is of course, the many devious ways I can hide them and the challenge between her and her friends as to how many you can fit into a tiny basket!
School holidays. Now, I was that annoying Mum who was always desperate for the holidays to start so I could have time at home with my girlie. School holidays tended to be filled with many many people in our house and never quite knowing how many I had to feed that day. Unfortunately Covid has hit the pause button on friends visiting. I know it may seem as if our children have spent too much time at home already, but a proper holiday is so important for them. I know Lou will be grabbing her water bottle (and hopefully the dog) and heading off to our hills with one or two friends this Easter break. At least I know she won't forget to take the blooming sanitiser!
Booking our holidays. After so long cooped up inside, I am sure that whole country is thinking about Summer holidays. We are no different and our annual trip up to Northumbria is booked. Yes, you may not be able to get abroad this year (who knows at this stage!), but we have so many beautiful parts of the UK to explore. Let's support our own tourism industry. A couple of damp face cloths sealed in a tupperware (how old am I?? It's a kind of olden days Lock & Lock) is a must for our picnics and means that we don't use wet wipes any more either.
Farmers Markets are planning to open up again. This is a double whammy for me. What could be nicer than having a stroll around a farmers market and being tempted by all the gorgeous and yummy offerings on sale? Of course, for me and many fellow crafters, it means that we will soon be back out on our stalls sharing all the new designs and generally catching up with all of our lovely customers.
Planning weddings! Yay!! Oh, I have felt so sorry for all those who have had to postpone their wedding day, in some cases, multiple times. Now, finally, couples are starting to feel confident enough to book venues and dates again. If this is you, why not have a look at my beautiful lacy shawls. They are perfect for adding a touch of mwah-ness (well, it should be a real word!) for a Summer evening.
My new website. Yes, yes, I know this one only applies to me, but I just had to put it on the list. I even put it on the end as an added extra! I have worked really hard to get it up and ready for all you lovely people, so please feel free to let me know what you think. Is there anything that you would like to see? Which classes would you like in the Video Library next? Are there any blog topics you would like me to cover? I'd love to hear your thoughts on anything and everything!
So there you have it...8 (plus 1) brilliant reasons not to be a grumpy guts this month. Let's see if you can be a little ray of sunshine in your house too.
I feel do positive now :)